
Update From the American Kratom Association – FDA Kratom Import Alert

Update on the FDA Kratom Import Alert

The FDA recently reaffirmed its import alert on kratom, which means they are restating their commitment to ban kratom in the US. The FDA is going to keep trying to challenge all-new science that is emerging, and remain as committed today as they were in August 2016 when they convinced the DEA to put kratom on the controlled substances list under the emergency power section. The DEA changed its mind and withdrew the notice of intent in October 2016. The FDA now is trying to stop the importation of kratom products into the US by using the import alert. Even with emerging science and safety data that contradicts the FDA’s position, the FDA hasn’t changed its position on kratom in the last five years.

Kratom is considered a food product and therefore it is off-limits for the FDA to try to stop a kratom raw material that is unadulterated and uncontaminated from being imported into the US as the FDA does not have any premarket approval on foods.

What is the AKA Doing to Fight This?

To successfully fight the FDA in this import alert, kratom products must remain pure and unadulterated. The AKA is calling on kratom consumers to be advocates in the fight and report any known vendors who are selling kratom products that are contaminated and unsafe or aren’t meeting the GMP guidelines set by the FDA. It is also important to report any vendors who are making health claims as this also illegal – progress can only be made legally, or the AKA will end up implicating themselves.

The import alert will only go away if the AKA can get the Indonesian government to cooperate and help them with the FDA by filing the application for the import alert to be removed. The AKA expects that when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted their delegation will go and visit with the BNN (Indonesia’s DEA that operates similarly to the FDA) and the Indonesian ministry of agriculture to start the process of negotiation for them to go to the FDA and be the applicant for the removal of the import alert. Even if a test period of a couple of years is required to demonstrate that supply chain requirements can be met and that the safety and integrity of kratom raw material have been maintained, it is still positive progress in the right direction.

To continue the fight against the import alert, the AKA will do everything they can to promote good public policy. Part of that is to reassure the FDA that the AKA is committed to self-regulation, that only the production of safe products that meet supply chain requirements and manufacturing requirements, and that they will make those products available to consumers in the marketplace.


Soap Korner’s Contribution

In efforts to support the AKA in their fight against the import alert, Soap Korner has donated funds to assist in the battle. We also continue to work one-on-one with lobbyists and talk with Colorado legislators to advocate for the AKA. If other advocators and kratom consumers are looking for kratom products we have a variety of quality kratom products for sale online today!

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